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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Yes, you can still be involved

When kids are little, it is so easy to be involved in their lives. I remember many days of volunteering at school.
By High School, there were just not so many opportunities to be involved on a regular basis. I still got involved as I could, and donated time and food!
Now that both of my kids are in college, I did not think much about doing something with the school.
College is a time for young adults to be on their own and grow as a person, and mom needs to back off, right?
Well, that is true somewhat, but I try to be available for my kids.
I can't exactly volunteer, but this year I found an opportunity to be involved.
I got an email looking for parent volunteers to join the Parent Advisory Group. The university actually wants the opinions of parents!
I attended my first meeting with my husband, and it was really interesting.
We got to meet with the President of the University and his wife. The parents got to learn about issues and news, as well as give our suggestions.
They served us a pretty awesome lunch,too!
Anyway just wanted to let parents know that although you have to let your children go out on their own, you can still be a presence in their lives and even have a chance to get involved (from a distance!)

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